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Woodbury County Rural Electric Cooperative (REC) strives to deliver safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible power to our member-consumers.

Providing electric service, which meets the expectations of the member-consumer, requires significant planning and an intricate balance of:

  • System design and construction

  • System operation, maintenance and inspections

  • Data recording and reporting

  • Communications

  • Resources to achieve results


Woodbury County REC takes reasonable efforts to avoid and prevent interruptions of service.  However, when interruptions do occur, service is restored in the shortest time practicable, consistent with safety standards.  Member-consumers experiencing a service interruption are able to contact the cooperative 24 hours a day, seven days a week through the cooperatives answering service.  Call us a 712-873-3125 or, toll-free, at 1-800-469-3125.

An effective preventive maintenance program is in place that inspects all 1,100 miles of line on an annual basis.  This inspection is looking for problems which can be corrected before a service interruption were to occur.  In addition to the annual line inspection, one-seventh of the cooperatives 14,390 poles are inspected annually.

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